East Providence School District
5,272 estudiantes | EAST PROVIDENCE, RI
Grados PK, K-12 & Ungraded | 16 escuelas
Ciudades cercanas
Comentarios de escuelas en Riverside
¿Su hijo asiste a una escuela en esta ciudad?
Noviembre 02, 2017
I feel terrible that my child has to attend this school or give up taking a bus to go elsewhere
Comentarios para
James R. D. Oldham School
Junio 12, 2014
I sent my son here and it by far exceeded my expectations. It is a small and close knit community. The staff is caring, supportive and exceptional. They follow the RI early childhood learning... á
Comentarios para
Covenant Co-Op Nursery School
Abril 27, 2014
The school moved over the last year and they have a great new facility with a great playground. Now that they are settled I am sure they will do even better!
Comentarios para
James R. D. Oldham School
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