Estas son algunas de las escuelas públicas mejor calificadas en Saegertown basadas en una variedad de medidas, incluyendo el rendimiento académico y la equidad. Haz clic para ver la lista completa de escuelas ordenadas por clasificación. Sobre la calificación de ӣƵ
Penncrest School District
2,548 estudiantes | SAEGERTOWN, PA
Grados K-12 | 6 escuelas
Ciudades cercanas
Comentarios de escuelas en Saegertown
¿Su hijo asiste a una escuela en esta ciudad?
Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
Noviembre 18, 2016
As a former student at SHS I felt prepared for college. I noticed cliques and I would never have thought that that was something unique to Saegertown. I participated in sports and so socialized with... á
Comentarios para
Saegertown Junior-Senior High School
Marzo 11, 2015
Total of 6 kids enrolled in K, 1st, and 4th grade. We withdrew our child half way through school yr and transferred to another school. They are behind compared to other schools. Poor administration of... á
Comentarios para
French Creek Valley Christian
Agosto 31, 2013
I have a child at Saegertown high. This school is very "cliquey". Any child that is differant or isn't in sports gets bullied. The teachers and office staff let rules bend depending on gender or if... á
Comentarios para
Saegertown Junior-Senior High School
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