Escuelas mejor calificadas de este Ciudad

Estas son algunas de las escuelas públicas mejor calificadas en Clinton basadas en una variedad de medidas, incluyendo el rendimiento académico y la equidad. Haz clic para ver la lista completa de escuelas ordenadas por clasificación. Sobre la calificación de ӣƵ


Comentarios de escuelas en Clinton

¿Su hijo asiste a una escuela en esta ciudad?
Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
Junio 18, 2024
I went to Clinton schools and so did my kids. I was lucky to have a school who cared about us and pushed us to do our best. Even back in my day, they had lots of options and programs. They still... á
Comentarios para Clinton High School
Noviembre 06, 2023
The only reason it has one star is because I had to give it at least one to start this review. I had 2 children in this school at the same time in different grades. We moved here from out of state... á
Comentarios para Clinton High School
Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
Abril 11, 2023
I am a former student from Clinton Junior High School, and I'll admit I had a very difficult time in junior high. There were a few faculty members who were overall incompetent and, in my opinion,... á
Comentarios para Clinton Jr High School
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