Escuelas mejor calificadas de este Ciudad

Estas son algunas de las escuelas públicas mejor calificadas en Shasta Lake basadas en una variedad de medidas, incluyendo el rendimiento académico y la equidad. Haz clic para ver la lista completa de escuelas ordenadas por clasificación. Sobre la calificación de ӣƵ


Comentarios de escuelas en Shasta Lake

¿Su hijo asiste a una escuela en esta ciudad?
Diciembre 11, 2024
We love CV! My son has attended CVHS for all 4 years of high school. It has always been evident that his teachers care about him and his success. The office and administrative staff are amazing, and... á
Comentarios para Central Valley High School
Diciembre 11, 2024
I believe this school provided my son with a great education, the chance to earn almost a year of college credits, as well as the opportunity to play sports he might not have been able to play at a... á
Comentarios para Central Valley High School
Diciembre 11, 2024
My daughter attended CV in 2014-2018. She was a high academic student. She took all Honor's classes as well as classes at the college in the summer, which CV highly supported! She graduated... á
Comentarios para Central Valley High School
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