These are some of the top-rated public schools in Elkins based on a variety of measures, including academic performance and equity. Find out more about ӣƵ ratings.
WV Schools of Diversion and Transition
519 students | CHARLESTON, WV
Grades PK, K-12 | 16 schools -
Randolph County Schools
3,638 students | ELKINS, WV
Grades PK, K-12 | 16 schools
Neighboring Cities
Reviews From Schools in Elkins
Does your child attend a school in this city?
Parent / Guardian
March 20, 2024
Worst school in Randolph county . Watch out if you have little tiny children they are bad for letting them off the bus by themselves. They even lose little kids on the bus and don’t know where they... More
Review for
Elkins Third Ward Elementary School
Parent / Guardian
May 22, 2015
This school is horrible since Mrs. Hull left. If you have a situation come up and you call the school they say they will take care of it and never do. Don't bother using engrade to try and communicate... More
Review for
Homestead Elementary School
Parent / Guardian
November 24, 2014
My child is only in the sixth grade and it is only have the year into school, but from what I have seen so far, the teachers seem to really care about the students. I get engrade messages to keep me... More
Review for
Elkins Middle School
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