These are some of the top-rated public schools in North based on a variety of measures, including academic performance and equity. Find out more about ӣƵ ratings.
10,979 students | ORANGEBURG, SC
Grades PK, K-12 | 30 schools -
Orangeburg 05 School District
6,356 students | ORANGEBURG, SC
Grades PK, K-5, 9-12 | 10 schools
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Reviews From Schools in North
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September 25, 2016
It is great to see that someone else thinks the school principal is inadequate and that the secretary is mean. AGAIN MY NEPHEW HAS BEEN BULLIED FROM 1st grade to 4 th and the administration and... More
Review for
Dover Elementary School
Parent / Guardian
February 26, 2014
The only thing Dover cares about is the PASS test but that wont get the kids to the next grade. Thay have tutoring for PASS test but the kids that are failing there classes thats too bad!!!!!! The... More
Review for
Dover Elementary School
Parent / Guardian
January 08, 2014
Get rid of the office secretary! Ms. Culler! She is very rude and mean to the children. She does not deserve to work with kids because she don't know how to talk to them or parents. I've seen and... More
Review for
Dover Elementary School
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