Reviews From Schools in Montgomeryville

Does your child attend a school in this city?
Parent / Guardian
September 18, 2020
This school has exceptional teacher to parent communication and you can see they really care about all of the children. The atmosphere is safe, loving and clean. All their dedicated staff puts pride... More
Parent / Guardian
April 02, 2018
My toddler (18 months old) was enrolled here. Found him in front of an Ipad with several other kids around 5:30pm on multiple days during pickups. The rooms are extremely stuffy and cramped, toys... More
Parent / Guardian
March 15, 2017
Kinderworks is amazing. I've had my son there for about two years now, and he has flourished in a way that surpasses my expectations. His social skills have vastly improved, his vocabulary grows... More
Review for Kinder Works
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