These are some of the top-rated public schools in Frewsburg based on a variety of measures, including academic performance and equity. Find out more about ӣƵ ratings.
College Success Award
The College Success Award recognizes schools that do an exemplary job getting students to enroll in and stick with college, including those that excel at serving students from low-income families.
Frewsburg Central School District
774 students | FREWSBURG, NY
Grades PK, K-12 & Ungraded | 2 schools
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Reviews From Schools in Frewsburg
Does your child attend a school in this city?
Parent / Guardian
February 28, 2022
Educationally, the middle/high school was not good. They use block scheduling which results in students spending a lot of their day in study halls because of the lack of class availability. Block... More
Review for
Frewsburg Junior Senior High School
Other (school staff, family member, recent alum, etc)
March 08, 2020
great and if we had stayed in the area - would have loved for our children to have attended Frewsburg schools
Review for
Frewsburg Junior Senior High School
Other (school staff, family member, recent alum, etc)
September 25, 2012
I attended both Frewsburg Central and High Schools. They were the best years of my life growing up. Although I can't really compare my experience to other schools (because I never attended any other... More
Review for
Frewsburg Junior Senior High School
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