These are some of the top-rated public schools in North Hampton based on a variety of measures, including academic performance and equity. Find out more about ӣƵ ratings.
North Hampton School District
304 students | HAMPTON, NH
Grades PK, K-8 | 1 school
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Reviews From Schools in North Hampton
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September 26, 2024
I very dearly appreciate the support and opportunities that this school has provided for it’s students and how support the staff give to their students.
Review for
North Hampton School
Parent / Guardian
December 29, 2023
Nothing but positive experiences at NHS. We have several friends with kids that attend local private schools and I feel NHS can rival any of these schools. Very happy
Review for
North Hampton School
Parent / Guardian
December 04, 2022
One of the school workers blamed the woman for a fraud she had never committed. The investigation ended in favor of this woman. The apparent lies allowed by the school could seriously damage... More
Review for
North Hampton School
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