College Success Award
The College Success Award recognizes schools that do an exemplary job getting students to enroll in and stick with college, including those that excel at serving students from low-income families.
West Bath Public Schools
107 students | WEST BATH, ME
Grades PK, K-5 | 1 school
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Reviews From Schools in West Bath
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Parent / Guardian
August 12, 2020
West Bath School is a unique and inspiring school in this day of modern day testing and state mandated assessment. Each teacher and student understand the high expectations both academic and... More
Review for
West Bath School
Parent / Guardian
July 08, 2017
This school is so amazing, there just isn't enough words.
Review for
West Bath School
Parent / Guardian
September 15, 2013
We moved to West Bath in the middle of the 2012 school year. Our children were greeted with open arms by a wonderful principle, caring teachers and a dedicated staff. The class sizes are small which... More
Review for
West Bath School
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