Top Rated Schools in This City

These are some of the top-rated public schools in Grand Coteau based on a variety of measures, including academic performance and equity. Find out more about ӣƵ ratings.

College Success Award

The College Success Award recognizes schools that do an exemplary job getting students to enroll in and stick with college, including those that excel at serving students from low-income families.


Reviews From Schools in Grand Coteau

Does your child attend a school in this city?
Current student
April 24, 2017
If you want your child to go no where in life, this is the perfect school for them. My children went from and A+ school to this dump and im very disappointed. We are atuck at this school until my... More
Parent / Guardian
July 14, 2013
The Academy of Sacred Heart is a wonderful school. My husband and I are very impressed with the education and the manners the girls display. Your child will be prepared for the future and society .
Parent / Guardian
March 03, 2010
With great dignity and respect, the wonderful school educates girls and transforms them into young women in the most loving and caring way. My two daughters love going to school and we are blessed as... More
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