Mchenry Regional Office Of Education
0 students | WOODSTOCK, IL
Grades 6-12 | 1 school
Neighboring Cities
Reviews From Schools in Union
Does your child attend a school in this city?
Other (school staff, family member, recent alum, etc)
May 23, 2011
I am an ex-student here. I absolutely thank Great X for all that i am today. The staff truly cares deeply for all who enter their doors and do everything in their power to make sure they succeed. They... More
Review for
Evergreen Academy
Parent / Guardian
May 05, 2011
This has been a great school as an alternative to your student being expelled from his thier home school. it is the home schools that need to be looked at.
Review for
Evergreen Academy
Parent / Guardian
March 03, 2011
This is a terrific school. My daughter just loves it, the teachers are caring & loving. I'm so pleased.
Review for
St John's Little Blessings Lc
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