Top Rated Schools in This City

These are some of the top-rated public schools in Channahon based on a variety of measures, including academic performance and equity. Find out more about ӣƵ ratings.


Reviews From Schools in Channahon

Does your child attend a school in this city?
Parent / Guardian
January 22, 2022
Our grand child started last year in kindergarten. She is quoting Bible scriptures & already begining to read! Her teacher Mrs. McCabe is awesome! Kind, helpful & a genuine love for Christ & her... More
Parent / Guardian
September 02, 2020
Excellent influence on students! Teachers genuinely care for their students! Small private school with many advantages to the students. Max teacher-student ratio is 1:16!! Great character building... More
Other (school staff, family member, recent alum, etc)
August 12, 2019
This company is very disorganized and unprofessional
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