Bad microbes
Microbes can infect living things! In this science worksheet, your child will determine which images depict a child who's infected by a microbe.
Be kind to mother nature!
There must be a balance between humans and mother nature. In this science worksheet, your child learns about man-made things that can cause harm to animals and plants.
Big, bigger, biggest (3rd grade)
See how we can change the amount expressed by an adjective! In this language arts worksheet, your child gets practice writing adjectives, their comparative form, and their superlative form, such as big, bigger, and biggest.
Bite on this!
Skulls! In this science worksheet, your child learns more about teeth by comparing a rabbit skull and a cat skull.
Bones provide great support!
See the skeleton! Your bones protect your organs. In this science worksheet, your child determines what parts of the body are protected by different parts of the skeleton.
Bug detective
What kind of bug is this? In this science worksheet, your child will follow the clues to determine which types of bugs are shown.
Building words
In this language arts worksheet, your child gets practice creating and spelling words by adding -s, -ing, and -ful.
Calculate the mean
What's the mean of 6 and 10? This math worksheet gives your child practice calculating mean.
Calculating change
How much money should you get back? This money math worksheet gives your child practice calculating money problems using visual cues.
Calculating time
What time will it be in 15 minutes? This time math worksheet gives your child practice solving math problems using digital clocks.
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