And 2 more makes…
What happens when you add 2 more? In this coloring math worksheet, your child will draw 2 more flowers to complete each series as an introduction to learning to add 2.
And 3 more makes…
What happens when you add 3 more? In this coloring math worksheet, your child will draw 3 more mugs to complete each series as an introduction to learning to add 3.
And 4 more makes…
What happens when you add 4 more? In this coloring math worksheet, your child will draw 4 more balls to complete each series as an introduction to learning to add 4.
And 5 more makes…
What happens when you add 5 more? In this coloring math worksheet, your child will draw 5 more pails to complete each series as an introduction to learning to add 5.
Animal bar graph
Which pet is most common? This math worksheet gives your child practice reading picture graphs, interpreting data, and answering questions.
Animals on a grid
Where's the mouse? In this math worksheet, your child will find where each animal is placed on a grid, a foundation for learning about coordinate pairs.
Area of rectangles and squares
Can you find the area of this rectangle? This math worksheet gives your child practice finding the area of large rectangles and squares.
Area of right-angled triangles
This math worksheet asks your child to find the areas of right triangles.
Area: rectangles and squares
This math worksheet asks your child to find the area of rectangles and squares.
Big numbers in 3 forms
This coloring math worksheet gives your child practice writing 2-digit and 3-digit numbers as numerals, in words, and as sets of cubes in 10s and 1s.
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