Multiples of 7 #2
Key multiples of 7! This math worksheet gives your child practice filling in number patterns based on the 7 times tables.
Multiples of 7 drills
7 drills! This math worksheet gives your child practice with the 7 times tables.
Multiples of 8
All multiples of 8! This math worksheet gives your child practice with the 8 times tables.
Multiples of 8 #2
Key multiples of 8! This math worksheet gives your child practice filling in number patterns based on the 8 times tables.
Multiples of 8 drills
8 drills! This math worksheet gives your child practice with the 8 times tables.
Multiples of 9
All multiples of 9! This math worksheet gives your child practice with the 9 times tables.
Multiples of 9 #2
Key multiples of 9! This math worksheet gives your child practice filling in number patterns based on the 9 times tables.
Multiples of 9 drills
9 drills! This math worksheet gives your child practice with the 9 times tables.
Multiplication as repeated addition
How many is 3 groups of 2 birds? In this math worksheet, your child will use repeated addition with picture representations to help set the foundation for multiplication.
Multiplication drills
This math worksheet lets your child practice multiplying 2-digit and 1-digit numbers.
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