Converting units of measure #2
Can you convert m to km? This math worksheet gives your child practice converting common measurements such as cm, m, and km.
Coordinate graphs
What are the coordinates of the triangle? This math worksheet lets your child practice reading and working with coordinate pairs to find and plot data points.
What are the coordinates of letter B? This math worksheet lets your child practice reading and working with data points to find and write coordinate pairs.
Count and color
This coloring math worksheet asks your child to color a specific number of objects in each group.
Count and color, part 2
This coloring math worksheet asks your child to solve visual addition problems and color the right number of shapes to show the answer.
Count and color, part 3
This coloring math worksheet asks your child to solve visual addition problems and color the right number for the answer.
Count how many
In this math worksheet, your child will begin to solve simple addition problems with sums up to 10 without the help of objects to count.
Count the money!
Count the coins! This money math worksheet gives your child practice recognizing coin values and adding them up.
Counting back
This math worksheet gives your child practice counting back from 10 to see where the frog stops, as well as practice subtraction within 20.
Counting bugs!
How many snails are there? This coloring math worksheet lets your child count and draw bugs, draw the corresponding number of dots, and write the numbers.
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