1st grade punctuation worksheets
Help your first grader learn the basics of punctuation — including commas, exclamation points, periods, quotation marks, question marks, and even the 5 Ws.
Our 5 favorite 1st grade science worksheets
Hands-on learning! Introduce your first grader to scientific inquiry with these five science worksheets.
Our 5 favorite 1st grade writing worksheets
Help your first grader practice skills like using commas, recognizing the five Ws, finding antonyms, and more with these fun writing worksheets.
Our 5 favorite 1st grade math worksheets
Boost your first grader's math skills — from telling time to counting change and adding and subtracting 10 — with these math worksheets.
2nd grade 3-D shapes worksheets
Introduce geometry — and expand your child's mind — with these math worksheets on 3-dimensional objects.
2nd grade money math worksheets
Your child will love tackling these worksheets on money math because second graders love money. (They can buy candy and toys with it.)
2nd grade vocabulary worksheets
These five worksheets will help your child practice three notable aspects of second grade vocabulary: compound words, homographs, and synonyms.
2nd grade vocabulary and grammar worksheets
These five worksheets will help your child get turned on to words: how they're created and combined, what they mean, how to use them, and even where they come from.
Our 5 favorite 2nd grade science worksheets
Experiment, observe, interpret data, and be amazed — try the life of a scientist with these five fun worksheets.
Our 5 favorite 2nd grade writing worksheets
Give your second grader's writing skills a boost with these worksheets that focus on contractions, calligrams, how to write a story, addressing envelopes, and more.
Our 5 favorite 2nd grade math worksheets
Boost your second grader's math skills with these five worksheets on multiplication, data interpretation, money math, and more!
Our 5 favorite 2nd grade reading worksheets
Introduce your young reader to the fun side of language and learning, from parts of speech and using a glossary to sound words and tongue twisters.
Homeschooling kids with LD or ADHD: The pros and cons
Get answers to common questions about homeschooling students with special needs.
Research project idea: Be a travel agent
Looking for a great research project for your child? Have your child research and plan a real or virtual trip — budget and all.
When kids say no to school
Morgan Smith won't go to school. It's not a whim or simply bad behavior. School refusal, which experts say is a common problem from kindergarten through high school, is wrenching for both parents and kids.
Worksheets and activities for winter break
Keep 'em sharp over winter break with these 18 fun, brain-boosting worksheets and activities for grades K-1, 2-3, and 4-5.
Emergency homeschooling
When traditional school fails your child mid-year, what's a parent to do? As one desperate mom discovers, there's no place like home.
10 fun ways to keep your child learning this summer
Backyard gardens, puppet theaters, scrapbooks and crafts are some of the ways to keep your children active and their minds working all summer long.
Common terms to describe schools
This glossary provides definitions of the most commonly used school terms used in our school profiles.
Thanks to online education, homeschooling is growing in popularity and becoming an attractive alternative for many families. But is it right for you?
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