Why you should care (a lot) about a school’s curriculum
Not sure if a school is right for your child? Ask about their curriculum. The answer will help you know if your child will get the education they deserve.
How peer tutoring can transform high school academics
Students teaching students can be a win-win situation for the student teachers and the teens they’re tutoring.
How high school pathway programs help students get on the right track
These college- and career-focused pathway programs are inspiring students and debunking outdated stereotypes about vocational education.
How schools can help overloaded teens
Does your child's school prioritize your child's mental health and well-being? Learn about key changes schools can make to their schedules, rules, and policies to increase teen sleep and reduce teen stress.
How mastery-based learning helps every student succeed
Traditional teaching can fail both struggling learners and the quickest studies. The radical idea behind mastery-based learning? Let students learn at their own pace.
The truth about school mission statements
A mission statement may sound good. Here are 4 ways to know if a school is really practicing what they preach.
The role of Advanced Placement classes in high school
Advanced Placement or AP classes offer students the opportunity to do college-level work and earn college credit while still in high school.
Understanding the power of project-based learning
Project-based learning may be the cure for a few of the problems plaguing modern American high schools.
6 brain-based learning strategies and study skills that help teens learn
Understanding the "flow-state" and how brain-based learning strategies and study skills can help teens absorb and retain new information.
The value of senior capstone projects
These individualized projects can keep seniors engaged in high school while they work on a future-focused area of interest.
What is equitable grading?
How some educators are changing how they grade and helping learning in the process.
Does your child's high school offer internships?
At some high schools, students are paired with a variety of careers and mentors to help them visualize their futures.
High school secrets for success: pathways for all students
Offering vocational opportunities without stigma and encouraging all postsecondary tracks contributes to students' overall success.
Why are advanced classes so important?
Rigorous academic classes are crucial for students and for the high schools focused on helping students succeed in college.
High schools’ secrets for success: college counseling
Robust staffing of academic guidance counselors and college counselors has a big impact on student success.
High schools' secrets for success: identifying at-risk students
Reaching out to struggling students at all grade levels may be an important strategy for helping all kids succeed.
High schools' secrets for success: high expectations for all students
Conveying a belief in students' ability to achieve underlies many of the best practices high schools use to help students get to college and succeed once they get there.
High school secrets to success: a closely connected middle school
When middle and high schools work together, it can have a big impact on student success, including higher graduation rates and higher GPAs.
The school visit: what to look for, what to ask
There's no substitute for visiting the schools on your list, so you can get a sense of the school environment and get your questions answered.
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