Your second grader and science
Second graders study the states of matter and how they transform through heating and cooling.
Your first grader and science
First graders learn how to use their five senses to observe changes in living and nonliving objects.
Your kindergartner and science
Kindergartners discover the similarities and differences in animals and plants as well as their identifying characteristics.
Your first grader and technology
When first graders use technology in the classroom, they start using a keyboard and master terms like menu, file, save, and quit.
Your fourth grader and technology
Fourth graders may do Internet research and use various types of software to complete activities that build on their classroom learning.
Your third grader and technology
Third graders learn the names of various computer parts and how to use a mouse to maneuver items on the screen.
Your fifth grader and technology
By the end of fifth grade, your child should demonstrate advanced keyboarding skills to edit her work.
Wii remote or scientific tool?
What do Wii remotes have to do with science? Ask these sixth graders, who are making roller coasters and balloon-powered cars and conducting experiments.
Your second grader and technology
Your second-grader will learn to use technology tools like clip art, email, and even simple graphing software.
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