Elections — whether it be national, state or local — have an impact on local public schools. They determine funding levels and policies that affect children across the country. As the last two presidential elections clearly demonstrated, every vote counts. Don’t forget to add yours this Election Day!

Do your children know what it means to be good citizens? Find out what your child is learning about civic education in school and how you can spark their interest in civic affairs:

The State of Civic Education: Teaching the Citizens of Tomorrow

If you are voting for school board members, check:

How to Choose a School Board Candidate: What Every Voter Should Know

What Makes a Great School Board Member?

If you want to learn more about how you can affect the legislative process read:

Become a Legislative Advocate for Your Child’s School

To learn more about specific candidates and ballot propositions in your state, go to:

This nonprofit organization is powered by hundreds of volunteers who research ballot issues and the backgrounds of candidates for public office. To read their summaries of ballot measures and candidates in your state, or for help with voter registration issues, click here. Volunteers answer election-related questions at this toll-free phone number: 1-888-VOTE-SMART.

Run by the League of Women Voters of California, this site includes extensive background information on candidates as well as details on state and local ballot measures in California and Ohio. You can get personalized election information based on your address. It will also help you register to vote and locate your polling place. On election night, the site posts results as soon as they become available.