Talking with family about your child's learning disability
Learn how to explain your child's learning disability to family members in a helpful and sensitive way.
Resources to help gifted students
Check out these useful links to learn about appropriate curriculum for gifted students and how to support your gifted child.
It worked: learning new vocabulary words
A resourceful mom shares her easy technique for helping her daughter master new terms.
Math disability in children: an overview
Learn about the signs and sources of a learning disability in math -- and how to detect them in your child.
Organizing a notebook for LD and ADHD records and resources
Setting up a system to stay organized saves time and energy when you're busy advocating for your child with special needs.
Collaborating with other adults to address your child's learning difficulties
Your child will benefit when you build positive partnerships with her teachers and other professionals.
Coming to terms with your child's learning disability
It's normal to experience a range of emotions when your child is struggling in school. Facing your feelings and working through them can help you come to terms with your child's LD.
Marriage under pressure: when your child has special needs
When the whole family is caught up in the whirlwind of life with a child with LD, it's easy to neglect your marriage. This article offers coping skills for couples.
How learning disabilities affect family dynamics
Raising a child with LD is a family affair. Dr. Betty Osman explains how to manage many of the problems that may emerge.
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