Countdown to college: a timeline for high school
This mom’s insights will help you and your child make a plan.
The myth of the Ivy League
By buying into the idea that getting into an elite school equals success, we may overlook another essential component of a great education.
College tours for… tweens?!
Want to get your child excited about going to college? One mom discovers the secret: take them on a tour while they're young.
Helpful tips: How to pay for college
A book that offers a parents a practical path to the unthinkable: a paid college education for their children.
All about Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams
The AP program gives students the opportunity to take college-level courses while they are still in high school.
What is International Baccalaureate?
Is IB right for your child? Learn how International Baccalaureate schools, programs, and classes work for elementary, middle, and high schoolers.
Packing for college
Help your high school graduate pack for dorm life with this handy list of needs.
Who goes to college in California?
Find out who's going to college in the Golden State
10 hottest careers for college graduates
What are the best jobs in the future? See these top 10 lists of highest-growth jobs through 2033 by degree attainment.
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