Teen's drug-using boyfriend worries dad
A dad, worried about his impressionable 17-year-old daughter, asks parenting expert Annie Fox how to deal with her bad-news boyfriend.
I hate my son's music!
Should parents have a say in what kind of music their teens listen to? Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ expert Annie Fox weighs in.
My daughter is sexting!
When one mom discovered that her daughter's been sexting, she turned to parenting expert Annie Fox for advice.
Is your child's lying and stealing a sign of a life of crime?
A little one who lies and steals may seem destined for a life of crime, but both behaviors are far less alarming when viewed through a child development lens.
When your child wails, "Mama, don't leave!"
Preschoolers can be confident and independent one moment, then clingy and shy (or slow to warm) at transition time. What's going on — and is it normal?
Is it normal for your preschooler to hurt animals?
When a young child hurts animals, the big question is: was it accidental or intentional?
Is your preschooler's biting and hitting normal?
Here's what's going on when your preschooler bites and hits — and how to make it stop.
Is your preschooler good at school… but not at home?
Your preschooler’s behavior changes in different situations. For example, he behaves well all day at school, then turns on the bad behavior at home. Is this normal?
My child did what?!? Is that normal?
Little ones do things that make parents wonder — and worry! From biting to hiding things, our guide will help you understand the oddball behaviors of the preschool set.
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