Choosing college courses: heeding advice from adults vs. peers
A mother tells how her daughter learned the hard way whose advice to trust when choosing college courses.
ADHD, stimulants, and substance abuse
Media stories about stimulant medications for ADHD are often misleading. Learn what research tells us about ADHD medications and the risk of substance abuse in children and teens.
The push and pull of fostering teen independence
Learn how to strike a balance between being overly protective and giving your teen too much freedom.
What are some myths about people with ADHD?
Some people claim ADHD represents a set of evolutionary qualities that helped our ancestors survive. An expert debunks this theory by explaining how ADHD reflects weaknesses in the development of efficient self-regulation and self-control.
What can lead kids with ADHD to a positive future?
An expert explains how nurturing a child's resilience helps him chart a path to a satisfying future.
Dr. Russell Barkley: ADHD theory, diagnosis, & treatment summary
Read highlights from Dr. Russell Barkley's powerful and poignant lecture on AD/HD.
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