ADHD: An overview
Sometimes your child doesn't pay attention or follow directions, but is it ADHD? A guide to diagnosing and dealing with this disorder.
ADD in the corner office: five top executives discovered that an LD can be a capitalist tool
Five top executives reveal their struggles in school ? and their secrets for success!
Management strategies for parents: ADHD
Learn to help your child with ADHD by using practical and meaningful strategies geared to his level of development and his symptoms.
Does your child have ADHD or something else?
Learn about other conditions that are sometimes mistaken for symptoms of ADHD.
What's the best way to diagnose ADHD?
A proper evaluation for ADHD should include a wide array of factors -- including a child's strengths and challenges.
Financial help for parents of kids with LD and ADHD
Raising a child with a learning disability can be expensive. Learn about resources that might help defray some of the costs.
Parent coaching for children with ADHD and learning disabilities
This parent coaching system can help you shape your child's behavior at home and in the outside world.
ADHD medication: what you should know
If you're considering medication for your child with ADHD, read this important information.
Organizing a notebook for LD and ADHD records and resources
Setting up a system to stay organized saves time and energy when you're busy advocating for your child with special needs.
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