Reviews From Schools in Reseda

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Other (school staff, family member, recent alum, etc)
May 06, 2024
There aren't enough words to express how amazing this nursery school is....yes, nursery school, not a daycare. All the teachers are remarkable with each individual child. They teach with patience,... More
Parent / Guardian
August 20, 2019
Can't say enough about how great the teachers are. That said, prepare to be nickel and dimed by the administration. They've made it clear that money is their primary interest, and that you'll be... More
Review for Discovery School
Parent / Guardian
April 08, 2018
Busy Little Fingers is a great school. My two children, now ages 13 and 4, have attended. Unfortunately, we had to move because of my work. It has been very hard to find a school that is comparable... More
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