Top Rated Schools in This City

These are some of the top-rated public schools in East Brewton based on a variety of measures, including academic performance and equity. Find out more about ӣƵ ratings.

College Success Award

The College Success Award recognizes schools that do an exemplary job getting students to enroll in and stick with college, including those that excel at serving students from low-income families.


Reviews From Schools in East Brewton

Does your child attend a school in this city?
Parent / Guardian
April 21, 2021
The school is an ok school but they do have a lot bullying that does not get handle like it supposed. There is poor communicate. The principle was a good when she was the asst. But now she is main... More
Parent / Guardian
October 20, 2020
My child has attended this school the past 2 years, and I can honestly say without malice, It's a bunch of unenforced rules! So the children hit, swear, and bully other kids and get away with it.... More
Other (school staff, family member, recent alum, etc)
June 30, 2018
I graduated SEVERAL years ago from W.S. Neal High School and my experience from 6th grade thru graduating 12th grade were very positive. We didn't have the same problems in our society as we have... More
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