College Success Award
The College Success Award recognizes schools that do an exemplary job getting students to enroll in and stick with college, including those that excel at serving students from low-income families.
Lawrence County School District
4,698 students | MOULTON, AL
Grades PK, K-12 | 15 schools
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Reviews From Schools in Courtland
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September 08, 2018
Horrible, the adults in position of authority lacked the ability to control their own actions much less those of the students. Very disrespectful environment on all fronts. The volunteers were quite... More
Review for
R A Hubbard High School
Current student
March 19, 2015
My school is a great school it help us know & learn that our mission is to assure that each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service and empowered for success in a global... More
Review for
R A Hubbard High School
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